Tag: axis og06

AXIS TERRA English VCCV and Arpasing Voicebanks Collection

We are thrilled to unveil the latest addition to the OGIENOID lineup – AXIS TERRAα VCCV, the first English voice for AXIS OG06.


Released as an Alpha voicebank, AXIS TERRAα serves as a testing ground for our future releases. Providing TERRAα as an Alpha release allows us to test out the girls in a new tongue and provide a fun new voicebank for our audience to use! This iteration of AXIS TERRA’s English VCCV is a work in progress, a sneak peek of what’s to come. The finalized TERRA voicebank will feature new samples recorded on new equipment. However, impatience has driven us to share this alpha version now rather than keep waiting.

The VCCV Additions Continue

VCCV, recognized as the English standard within the Western UTAU community, is at the core of AXIS TERRAα. Originating from the visionary mind of Cz, VCCV English integrates custom aliases, phonetics, OTO, and distinct UST’ing methods.

Axis TERRA VCCV Official Art
AXIS TERRA (Alpha) Official Artwork By TheStarHeron


You can download the new voicebank on AXIS OG06’s homepage.

Mastering the VCCV English Art

Are you curious about how to harness the full potential of a VCCV bank? As a matter of fact, there are many tutorials available to our community! Allow the method’s creator, Cz, to guide you through the intricacies. Visit their YouTube channel for a collection of in-depth tutorials to master VCCV English.

For a seamless experience with AXIS TERRAα in the original UTAU software, we recommend following the instructional video linked below:

For use in OpenUTAU, a collection of community made phonemizers makes VCCV English easier to use than ever! In other words, like other competitive programs, users can now type in a single English word, and the phonemizer converts that word into VCCV automatically. Simply select “EN VCCV” on the desired track.


Arpasing Voicebanks Collection

Guess what? STUDIO OGIEN just dropped another bombshell – we’ve unleashed a collection of Arpasing voicebanks for everyone to get their hands on! These voicebanks were once created for a private project and thereafter locked away in our vault. We intended for these voices to be merely for experimentation purposes, but we’ve heard the call for their release, and now we’ve followed through!

Each voice is currently equipped with a Moresampler-generated OTO, so there will be bugs and errors. This may change in the future, but for now, they’ve been put out into the world purely for fun. We hope they will bring you enjoyment!

The Collection Includes The Following Characters

  1. KASAI OG01: Immerse yourself in the fiery tones of KASAI OG01. This voicebank, preserved in the STUDIO OGIEN vault and now for public release, brings a flare of intensity, making it the perfect choice for energetic songs. This voicebank is a tripitch recorded with version 2.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist. Yes, these voicebanks are very old!
  2. THEIA OG03: Glide through your composition with the beauty of THEIA OG03’s first English voice! With this Multipitch voicebank, your melodies will soar.
  3. HONOS OG04: Honoring our dedication to bringing Honos English to our audience in 2023, we’ve released HONOS OG04’s Arpasing voicebankbank as a placeholder while VCCV Sol finishes up. This Monopitch voicebank captures HONOS’ signature Stoic voice color, expanding the familiar timbre to a new language. Recorded on version 1.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist.
  4. AXIS OG06: Rotate through your choices of Axis English with this Multipitch English voice! This voicebank is a tripitch recorded with version 2.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist.
  5. ATLAS OG07: Pivotal changes just keep on coming with Atlas’ first English voicebank! This voicebank is a tripitch recorded with version 2.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist.
  6. APOLLO OG0X: Step into the future with Apollo OG0X with her first-ever English and Multipitch voice! This voicebank is a tripitch recorded with version 2.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist.

These Arpasing voicebanks are currently available to download from the links below! In the coming weeks, they will officially be added to each girl’s page. In the coming years, we hope to replace them with updated iterations, so get them while you can!

How To Use AXIS OG06 TELLURIC JP VCV Multipitch

Introduction to AXIS TELLURIC Multipitch VCV

AXIS OG06 “Telluric” is a 7-pitch Japanese VCV style Voicebank developed by STUDIO OGIEN. Released in 2016, “Telluric” was the first installment of The Goddess Series, a mini-series of voicebank releases based on the OGIENOIDs’ alter-egos in another world.

How To Use AXIS OG06 Telluric

Using Multi-pitch

“Telluric” consists of 7 unique pitches. These pitches are auto-configured using the Prefix.map function in UTAU. As long as the user does not remove the Prefix.map file, the multi-pitch functions of Telluric will work without any additional effort. From this point, a user can carry on as if they are using a normal VCV voicebank.

“Telluric” includes a Falsetto voicebank as well. By inserting the letter F into the SuffixBroker, or by adding F to the end of a note manually, users can operate this voicebank. The falsetto voicebank is optimized for C5 and above.

Using VCV in UTAU

For those new to the VCV voicebank format, let’s learn how to use it in UTAU! First, load up the desired Voicebank and UST file (if you have one). There are two scenarios here: the UST is either formatted for VCV or it just isn’t. Not every UST comes in VCV format, but you may really, really want to use the UST. Fear not, there are many options to remedy this situation!

The tedious method that we aren’t going to actually consider a method, but rather a painful last resort: Add the preceding vowel to the lyric: Let’s say you have two notes “か” (ka) and “あ” (a). Simply add an “a” in the same note as あ. Simply, あ now becomes “a あ”.

The easiest method (that, unfortunately, costs money): UTAU Shareware: If you have the shareware version of UTAU, you can simply hit the auto VCV button, and UTAU will turn the vowels into VCV!

Click “A” for auto VCV

Other methods: Plugins: Some plugins may convert the CV vowels into VCV without altering the rest. Others may turn the entire UST into VCV. Experimentation is key! IroIro is our favorite recommendation, as the plugin has many other useful features packed into it as well.

Navigating to your installed UTAU plugins

If you have IroIro Installed, follow Tools > Plug-Ins(N) > IroIro. Select CV -> VCV and click OK.

IroIro’s many options

Once your UST is in VCV format, you are ready to proceed.

Fitting a UST to a VCV Voicebank

Fitting a UST file to a UTAU Voicebank will definitely improve the sound and make your covers appear more professional. By fitting the UST, you are telling the software to conform to that particular UTAU’s configurations and setup (OTO). This is an important step if the UST was not explicitly made for the UTAU you are using, and it helps to improve the fluidity and clarity of the voice. So, let’s do it!

To start:

  1. Open a UST file
  2. Select all (Ctrl+A)
  3. Right-click on a note
  4. On the pop-up, select “Property” or “Region Property” (if you selected all notes). A new window will appear.

  5. You may notice sections on this window labeled “Preutterance” and “Overlap”. To their right, there is a “Clear” button. We want to click that.

  6. Next, at the bottom of the window, there is a box labeled STP. 
    1. If it has a value, delete it. 
    2. If the box is grayed out, double-click the box to clear it.
  7. Press “OK”
  8. In the top right of the main window of UTAU, you will see a group of four buttons (ACPT, P2P3, P1P4, RESET).
    1. Click RESET
    2. Then click P2P3
    3. Next, P1P4
    4. P2P3 again
    5. Click ACPT (You can click this multiple times if you see any red “!”, and it may take care of those. More on that in just a second!)
  9. That’s it! You’ve fit the UST to your VCV Voicebank

Special Characters, Envelope Issues and Other Problem Samples

Special Characters

Example of notes with special characters

While fitting a UST to your UTAU, you may find errors highlighted as red “!” along the way. VCV is a popular method and widely employed, so a user may run across custom notes, properties, and expressions within a UST. Your UTAU may not have these special notes and sounds, so, we need to run through a few options.

  1. Manual removal
    1. Simply edit each note, one by one, and delete the extra symbols.
  2. SuffixBroker (for custom characters at the end of a note such as an up or down arrow, a number, or another special symbol)
    1. Select the notes you want the characters removed from
    2. Found under: Tools > Built-in Tools > SuffixBroker
    3. Leave the box blank, click OK, and now the Suffixes are gone! PLEASE NOTE: this does not always perform 100%. Make sure to double-check your work.
  3. Third-Party Plugins

Much better!

Envelope Issues

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

The error still shows up, and, more confusingly, the sound sample exists and your oto is fine. Grr… Now that’s frustrating! But we have a fix. Let’s check and edit some envelopes!

Very carefully, right-click on the note. A new pop-up will appear. Hover down to “Envelope…” and click on it.

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes


How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

YIKES! That’s pretty bad! Worry not, there’s a simple fix. Let’s click “Normal”. 9/10 times, that does the job.

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

If the error still persists after hitting “Normal”, simply drag the red boxes around until they look, well, normal. Click OK and it should be good to go!

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

Much better, and now our “!” is gone. We are ready to tune and mix!

Using VCV in OpenUTAU

Using Kasai OG01 AMORE in OpenUTAU

For tracks made from scratch, start by clicking the “+” icon on the left-hand side. A new track like so will be created.

Using Kasai OG01 AMORE in OpenUTAU

Click on “Select Singer” and choose a voice. In this instance, we will choose Axis TELLURIC.

The voice is loaded. Now, we must tell OpenUTAU what type of voicebank she has. Click on “DEFAULT” to open a new menu of options.

Select “[JP VCV] Japanese VCV Phonemizer”. We are ready to use VCV in OpenUTAU!

For Existing USTs:

Using Kasai OG01 AMORE in OpenUTAU

Go to “File > Import Tracks…” and choose a UST of your liking.

Using Kasai OG01 AMORE in OpenUTAU

You may notice the singer data is saved from the UST file. You may or may not have this UTAU in your library. Either way, we are wanting to use Axis TELLURIC in this example as well. Go ahead and click on the singer’s name to open a new menu.

Using Kasai OG01 AMORE in OpenUTAU

Select the preferred singer by clicking their name. In this instance, we will choose Axis TELLURIC.

With the voice loaded, we must tell OpenUTAU what type of voicebank it is. Click on “DEFAULT” to open a new menu of options.

Select “[JP VCV] Japanese VCV Phonemizer”. We are ready to use VCV in OpenUTAU!

How To Use AXIS OG06 Original Japanese VCV

Introduction to AXIS OG06 Original VCV

AXIS OG06 “Original” is a Japanese VCV style Voicebank developed by STUDIO OGIEN. First released in 2014, she was developed as a counterpart to her twin sister, ATLAS OG07. The character AXIS OG06 utilizes human voice samples to create her uniquely clear and mature, feminine voice. Additionally, her newest voicebanks offer a crisp, decisive voice suitable for various genres of music such as ballads, pop, rock, and many more.

AXIS OG06’s “Original” voicebank is an assortment of three different VCVs, each in a unique timbre (the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity). “Original” is a normal singing voice, Revolve (a soft voice), and Lively (a solid voice). This voicebank combines three voicebanks into one, allowing the user to plug in “↑” or “↓” into the UST from the SuffixBroker for appends. Making all voices available to use in one UST helps make editing, tuning, and mixing faster and easier.

Using AXIS OG06 Original

Using The Included Appends


“Original” is AXIS OG06’s default voice and will play so long as the user understands how to control VCV UTAU voicebanks. No additional steps are necessary to utilize this tone.


Select or enter “↓” into the UST from the SuffixBroker. By default, it should be included in the base installation of UTAU.


Select or enter “↑” into the UST from the SuffixBroker. By default, it should be included in the base installation of UTAU.

Using VCV in UTAU

For those new to the VCV voicebank format, let’s learn how to use it in UTAU! Firstly, load up the desired Voicebank and UST file (if you have one). There are two scenarios here: the UST is either formatted for VCV or it just isn’t. Not every UST comes in VCV format, but you may really, really want to use the UST. However, there are many options to remedy this situation!

The tedious method that we aren’t going to actually consider a method, but rather a painful last resort: Add the preceding vowel to the lyric: Let’s say you have two notes “か” (ka) and “あ” (a). Simply add an “a” in the same note as あ. Simply, あ now becomes “a あ”.

The easiest method (that, unfortunately, costs money): UTAU Shareware: If you have the shareware version of UTAU, you can simply hit the auto VCV button, and UTAU will turn the vowels into VCV!

Click “A” for auto VCV

Other methods:

Plugins: Some plugins may convert the CV vowels into VCV without altering the rest. Others may turn the entire UST into VCV. Experimentation is key! IroIro is our favorite recommendation, as the plugin has many other useful features packed into it as well.

Next, if you have IroIro Installed, follow Tools > Plug-Ins(N) > IroIro. Select CV -> VCV and click OK.

IroIro’s many options

Once your UST is in VCV format, you are ready to proceed.

Fitting a UST to a VCV Voicebank

Above all, fitting a UST file to a UTAU Voicebank will improve the sound and make your covers appear more professional. In other words, this is perhaps the most important step in the mixing process! By fitting the UST, you are telling the software to conform to that particular UTAU’s configurations and setup (OTO). This is an important step if the UST was not explicitly made for the UTAU you are using, and it helps to improve the fluidity and clarity of the voice. So, let’s do it!

To start:

  1. Open a UST file
  2. Select all (Ctrl+A)
  3. Right-click on a note
  4. On the pop-up, select “Property” or “Region Property” (if you selected all notes). A new window will appear.

  5. You may notice sections on this window labeled “Preutterance” and “Overlap”. To their right, there is a “Clear” button. We want to click that.

  6. Next, at the bottom of the window, there is a box labeled STP. 
    1. If it has a value, delete it. 
    2. If the box is grayed out, double-click the box to clear it.
  7. Press “OK”
  8. In the top right of the main window of UTAU, you will see a group of four buttons (ACPT, P2P3, P1P4, RESET).
    1. Click RESET
    2. Then click P2P3
    3. Next, P1P4
    4. P2P3 again
    5. Click ACPT (You can click this multiple times if you see any red “!”, and it may take care of those. More on that in just a second!)
  9. That’s it! You’ve fit the UST to your VCV Voicebank

Special Characters, Envelope Issues and Other Problem Samples

Special Characters

Example of notes with special characters

While fitting a UST to your UTAU, you may find errors highlighted as red “!” along the way. VCV is a popular method and widely employed, so a user may run across custom notes, properties, and expressions within a UST. Your UTAU may not have these special notes and sounds, so, we need to run through a few options.

  1. Manual removal
    1. Simply edit each note, one by one, and delete the extra symbols.
  2. SuffixBroker (for custom characters at the end of a note such as an up or down arrow, a number, or another special symbol)
    1. Select the notes you want the characters removed from
    2. Found under: Tools > Built-in Tools > SuffixBroker
    3. Leave the box blank, click OK, and now the Suffixes are gone! However, sometimes this may not do exactly what you’re hoping. To clarify, this does not always perform 100%, and there are times it may actually remove the latter half of the VCV note. Make sure to double-check your work!
  3. Third-Party Plugins

Much better!

Envelope Issues

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

The error still shows up, and, more confusingly, the sound sample exists and your oto is fine. Grr… Now that’s frustrating! But we have a fix. Let’s check and edit some envelopes!

Very carefully, right-click on the note. A new pop-up will appear afterward. Hover down to “Envelope…” and click on it.

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes


How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

YIKES! That’s pretty bad! Worry not, there’s a simple fix. Let’s click “Normal”. 9/10 times, that does the job.

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

If the error still persists after hitting “Normal”, simply drag the red boxes around until they look, well, normal. After that, click OK and it should be good to go!

How to use UTAU VCV Voicebanks: editing envelopes

Much better, and now our “!” is gone. We are ready to tune and mix!

Using AXIS OG06 Original VCV in OpenUTAU

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

For tracks made from scratch, start by clicking the “+” icon on the left-hand side. A new track like so will be created.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

After that, click on “Select Singer” and choose a voice. In this instance, we will choose Axis OG06.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

The voice is loaded. Now, we must tell OpenUTAU what type of voicebank she has. Click on “DEFAULT” to open a new menu of options.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

Select “[JP VCV] Japanese VCV Phonemizer”. We are ready to use VCV in OpenUTAU!

For Existing USTs:

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

Go to “File > Import Tracks…” and choose a UST of your liking.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

You may notice the singer data is saved from the UST file. You may or may not have this UTAU in your library. Either way, we are wanting to use Axis OG06 in this example as well. Go ahead and click on the singer’s name to open a new menu.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

Select the preferred singer by clicking their name. In this instance, we will choose Axis OG06.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

The voice is loaded. Now, we must tell OpenUTAU what type of voicebank she has. Click on “DEFAULT” to open a new menu of options.

Using AXIS OG06 VCV in OpenUTAU

Select “[JP VCV] Japanese VCV Phonemizer”. Finally, we are ready to use VCV in OpenUTAU!

Re-Introducing AXIS OG06

This week we re-introduce our mint OGIENOID, AXIS OG06! Originally debuted with a totally different design, AXIS OG06 has developed a lot. Not only backstory but looks and personality as well!

Name Origins

Axis – /ˈæksɪs/

AXIS OG06’s name is derived from the axis (C2) vertebra of the spine. This vertebra, with the atlas (C1), helps to form the skull’s pivot point. Simply, the axis allows the atlas (which supports the head) to rotate.

Axis also refers to an imaginary line about which a body, such as a planet, rotates. In this way, Axis is what the planet rotates around, while Atlas supports it.

Art and Design by Seran

AXIS OG06’s original design was more closed and monotone in color. As she grew and become more confident as a character, we felt her attire no longer reflected her new personality traits. In 2018, we had her design revised and retired her original outfit. We actually do have an image of her original concept art as well, back from 2014-2015! AXIS OG06 sure has changed a lot!

Axis's very first design (circa 2013)
AXIS’s First Design. Concept by Seran.

The First to Awaken

AXIS OG06 was the first of a set of androids created by KASAI OG01. Her first core memory was waking inside a pristine, white laboratory alongside her siblings. The first to arise, she was the only creation of KASAI OG01 to ever see her in person, if only for a moment.

Axis as a child. Art by Seran.

Growing Pains

As a child, AXIS OG06 was isolated from the world, and she was never allowed to step foot out of her home. 

She always remembered another android child from the lab. The girl had been dazed and confused upon waking, but she had still managed to make her way over to the other child. Even as she grew, she never forgot the pink-haired girl asleep in her cryogenic chamber. Somehow, even as a teenager, she never quite shook the overwhelming urge to see the girl again. 

On one particular day, AXIS OG06 had been scheduled to meet with a stranger. The room she met with this person in had a large, glass wall that revealed a major hallway. At just the right moment, she glanced at a passerby through the wall and saw the person she had been eager to meet all her life. The two glanced at one another for only a split moment, but the event re-lit AXIS’s fire. From there on out, her one and only goal became the hunt for information about the girl… About her sister.

From the day she was found within the laboratory, AXIS OG06 was told she was different from those she was allowed to interact with, and that she was not human. She grew up knowing she was an android, and she learned the differences between herself and the lab workers who took care of her rather quickly. However, over time, she realized these humans didn’t believe her emotions were real, and the lab workers chastised her that her obsession with her “sister” was an unnatural blip in her code. Fearing the lab workers would take actions against her, or worse, erase her memories, she bottled up her feelings, becoming cold, quiet, and rather nihilistic.

AXIS’s Memories

As she grew into an adult, a strange occurrence began to plague AXIS OG06. During the night, she experienced incredibly vivid nightmares. It started off once a month, then biweekly, but, soon, it was every night. Each dream was more horrible than the last, and, soon, it was affecting her personality and performance. She longed for comfort but knew no one would give it to her.

The Present

In the story’s timeline, AXIS OG06 has lived her days as a science experiment for the rich and powerful. When the story begins, she has never stepped foot outside her home.

Her current representation to the public is outside of the story’s universe. AXIS OG06 spends her days supporting her fellow OGIENOIDs in song and dance, as well as looking after her three children, Artemis, Gaia, and Lyra.

Character Description:

(From her character page): In her youth, AXIS OG06 was a rather cold and nihilistic child, aware that she and her sister had been separated. She was reticent and analytical, as she was not allowed to talk much during her years as a test subject. Still, she was relatively obsessed with the sister she never met, dreaming of better days where the two could live together and be themselves. AXIS OG06 has always been someone that craves familial bonds.

Once she and ATLAS OG07 could get to know one another, she became a warm, protective, and rather mothering individual. In the present, AXIS OG06 has become a nurturing, confident woman that focuses on her friends and family above all else.

AXIS OG06 TELLURIC – Append Release Day

Today, we are excited to release AXIS TELLURIC, a 7-pitch Japanese VCV bank for the UTAU software! TELLURIC represents AXIS OG06‘s alter-ego/other self from the fictional world of her creator. In this world, she is known as The Goddess Axelia.


[te-loo r-ik] 

1. of or relating to the earth; terrestrial.
2. of or proceeding from the earth or soil.

Information and Lore

Axelia was the first sister created by The Goddess Kassandra. As a result of being the first born, she was given dominion over things that created life in order to regulate the health of the planet and its people. Above all, she is known as the Goddess of harvest and fauna.

Later, when she fell in love with a mortal, she lost dominion over the skies and became the Goddess of Fauna and Fated Love. She met her mortal love in a place called the Eternal Garden, a marvelous garden that never wilted, populated with purple flowers.

Her followers believe it lives because she resides there still to this day, waiting for her lover to be reborn and find her once again.


Multipitch VCV bank with a solid female voice.

Pitches Included: G3, A3, B3, C4, D#4, F#4, G4, C#5​

We have included the Prefixmap, so using the voicebank requires no extra effort! Therefore, no additional thought is needed to use the multiple pitches. In short, they are already configured for the user.

However, in order to use TELLURIC’s Falsetto bank, one must add “F” in the SuffixBroker. In order to achieve greater clarity, please use high Y and c flags. For a sharper voice, experiment with EQ levels when mixing.

Lastly, you can catch the official release video here!

AXIS OG06 & ATLAS OG07 2015 Live Performance

AXIS OG06 & ATLAS OG07’s first Live Performance!

We don’t know about you, but this got us pretty excited. Thank you to Animus Rift Studios for this beautiful opportunity! Due to their kindness, the girls were able to participate in Animus Rift Studio’s “Project Synth” concert with many other UTAU! As a result, this is their first live performance event ever!

This video is a clip from Project Synth–a virtual Vocalists concert performed on May 23rd, 2015, in México City. The video highlights AXIS OG06 and ATLAS OG07’s performance of Spinal Fluid Explosion Girl (“脳漿炸裂ガール“) by rerulili, ft. Akai Ryuusei (jazz piano), kagomeP (mastering), Pichoko (illustration, video), Inokashira-P (sound effects).

ATLAS & AXIS’S Live Performance Debut!

The non-profit event was free to enter and featured international virtual vocalists. For Project Synth, individuals submitted a video with their own Vocal Synthesis character, mainly UTAU, to participate in the concert. Once brought together, an incredible concert was put on for all to see!

Admittedly, the entry was a little rushed. We discovered information about the concert on the day of the deadline, so it ended up a bit sloppier than we would have liked. Nevertheless, we’re so thankful to have AXIS OG06 and ATLAS OG07 be considered for a live performance. Here’s to many more to come!

Voicebank Progress

Apollo PRIME