THEIA OG03 UTAU – Release Announcement

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THEIA OG03 UTAU – Release Announcement

Announcing THEIA OG03!

The lilac OGIENOID, THEIA OG03, releases on September 15th, 2018. We are so very excited to introduce her to you all and officially add her to our OGIENOID lineup! With a bright, solid voice, THEIA will be the first OGIENOID introduced with a different voice provider than KASAI, AXIS, ATLAS, or APOLLO. We are pretty stoked to add this additional diversity to our project.

Some fun facts about her:

  • For her color scheme, her primary color is purple, and her secondary color is gold.
  • In story, she was the first performing OGIENOID, and would become the instructor and inspiration for many future OGIENOIDs.
  • THEIA is Native American.
  • Her favorite animal is the butterfly, specifically the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, more informally known as the Tiger butterfly.
  • She also identifies as lesbian.

THEIA OG03’s Japanese VCV voicebank release features September, 15th on our YouTube channel. We are preparing for the big day by creating a special release video featuring her MMD model. In the meantime, make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you can be notified immediately when the video posts!

Can’t wait to find out about her? Take a sneak peek at her brand new page!

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