Tag: Honos OG04 Elite



We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of HONOS OG04 ELITE. Designed as an extension of her beloved original voice, this upgrade takes her capabilities to new heights.

The Same Captivating Tenor Voice

ELITE preserves the deep tenor voice that sets HONOS apart. With her remarkable masculine and feminine ranges, she continues to be a standout choice among the OGIENOIDs for all ends of the spectrum.

Expanding Timbral Capabilities

Much like the release of KASAI OG01 SALIENT, ELITE builds upon the three distinct timbral capabilities of HONOS OG04. ELITE upgrades each of them to multipitch capabilities. Each timbre now possesses four unique pitches, resulting in a total of 12 individually recorded VCVs. This expanded range unlocks exciting new possibilities!

Elevating Creative Expression

This expansion also includes two CV-style growl banks in different registers. The high growl suits screamo and pop-punk, while the low growl suits metal and rock genres. These growl banks add a new layer of texture and intensity in your tuning.

Furthermore, ELITE features brand-new glottal stop and vocal fry samples, adding rich emotion to enhance your tuning.

Seamless Compatibility

Rest assured, this expansion and upgrade seamlessly integrates with both UTAU and OpenUtau, ensuring a smooth transition for existing projects, effortlessly incorporating ELITE’s enhanced voicebank. Like HONOS OG04 Original, the appends (Mellow and Firm) possess the same Suffixes OGIENOID users have grown accustomed to.

HONOS OGO4 ELITE Official Artwork By TheStarHeron

An Upgraded Look!

To match her voice upgrade, HONOS also went through a visual tune-up. Her new design draws inspiration from the iconic outfit she wore for her original voicebank, maintaining a connection to her roots while adding a fresh and exciting zap of color and energy. Get ready to be captivated by her striking new appearance!

Toward The Future, With HONOS

Stay tuned for more updates and demos that showcase HONOS’s long-awaited upgrade! Like KASAI OG01 SALIENT, a tutorial for ELITE will be available upon release. HONOS OG04 ELITE debuts this July!

HONOS OG04 ELITE – Tutorial

Watch The Release Video:

So, HONOS OG04 Got an Update [UTAU/OpenUTAU Voicebank Release]

Official release notice and tutorial for ELITE!

About The Voicebank:

The official release of the new HONOS OG04 voicebank is finally here! HONOS OG04 ELITE is an all-in-one Japanese VCV Voicebank that possesses both Multi-pitch and Multi-expression voices.

This Voicebank has three timbres that are 4 pitches each (Tenor, E3~A4), making ELITE a total of 12 VCVs. The three timbres can be used all in one track by utilizing the SuffixBroker. ELITE’s three expressions are:

  • “Stoic”: Normal voice
  • “Mellow”: Gentle/whisper voice
  • “Firm”: Solid/power voice

HONOS OG04 ELITE also has some fun add-ons, including several breaths (intake and outtake), western L notes (all timbres, all pitches), two Growl CV banks (Mono-pitch, one higher register and one lower), Vocal Fry (sounds best used with Stoic/Mellow, 4 pitch), and Glottal Stops (all timbres, all pitches).


Stoic – Normal tone of voice. No extra effort is required to use Stoic.

Mellow – A soft/whisper bank. You can use it by selecting the “↓” symbol in the SuffixBroker in UTAU. For OpenUTAU, please use Voice Colors in the editor (under CLR).

Firm – A solid/power bank. You can use it by selecting the “↑” symbol in the SuffixBroker in UTAU. For OpenUTAU, please use Voice Colors in the editor (under CLR).

Using Voice Colors in OpenUTAU

Glottal Stops with the ELITE Voicebank:

Glottal stops are compatible with all three appends in ELITE.

– Replace the space between letters with the・ symbol (ex: turn a あ into a・あ).

– Ends notes use ・ at the end (ex: a ・)

Vocal Fry & Breaths with the ELITE Voicebank:

Vocal fry: Use ‘ as the suffix (ex: – あ’ or あ’) or prefix (‘あ). Drop-off end notes are formatted with – (ex: a -)

Breaths: ELITE possesses an entire folder dedicated to breaths of different types. Can be used in UTAU or in an external editor.

  • Inhales: 息, br (5 different types ex: 息1, 息2, etc)
  • Soft Exhales: ahh, ehh, ihh, ohh, uhh, nhh
  • Stand-alone Exhales: 息-, 息2-, etc.

Extras with the HONOS OG04 ELITE:

Western L notes: To use western L VCV notes (La, Le, Li, Lo, Lu): Add “2” to the end of Japanese R notes (ex: a ら2)

Growl: Add * for the suffix (ex: あ*). You can use the up or down arrows in the SuffixBroker

Growl is in CV Format.

Voicebank Progress

Apollo PRIME