Recent Progress Reports

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Recent Progress Reports

Hey, everyone…it’s Kiko. I know, I know. We’re really behind on our timelines. This year has been really chaotic for members of the STUDIO OGIEN team, myself included. I want to take this time to be open with you, our wonderful and beautiful community. This is what has been going on during August, September, and October.

Current Project Timelines

Last year, we posted a blog about our plans going into 2022, and we had big goals in mind. We had plans to release quite a few voicebanks this year, and our biggest goal yet was to release DIONE OG05 and VIRTUS OG02, which we will reach (yay!). DIONE OG05 successfully debuted at the end of May this year, and VIRTUS OG02 is currently in testing for a release this week.

After our two releases in the first half of the year, we hit some pretty rough times within the team. The state of the world we are living in adds to that. STUDIO OGIEN is a cooperative team of full-time workers, and the current state of the world has left us with little time to focus on our projects in STUDIO OGIEN, which saddens us deeply. Now, don’t panic. We are not going anywhere. We just need to reevaluate our timelines, which I will delve into in the next section.

For now, here is our current estimate of releases:

VIRTUS OG02 – Version 1.0 Releasing This week on November 3rd!

HONOS ELITE – Full Release Winter 2022/Early Winter 2023

ENGLISH ALPHA BANKS – First Half of 2023. OGIENOIDS Participating TBD.

THEIA MONARCH & APOLLO PRIME – Currently in the recording stages. Estimated Mid-Late 2023.

AXIS ULTIMATE & ATLAS SUPREME – Currently in the recording stages. Currently undetermined 2023/2024

We’re Sorry

We know how excited everyone is for these new voicebanks. We are too! Unfortunately, as full-time working adults, life gets in the way more often than it did before. We are really hoping to have a better and more accurate release schedule in the future. As you see above, we have very broad ranges. I’ll explain how our releases will break down going forward.

We will plan releases by the first half or second half of the year, which will break down further by the quarter of the year (three-month sections) as we get more clear on releases.

Thank You

We appreciate all the outpouring of love we’ve received on all of our social media platforms, all the covers you have shown us, and for just bringing light into our community. We cannot thank you enough for your support, and we hope to see you at all our future releases.

Much Love,

Kiko and the STUDIO OGIEN Team

Content Curator, PR Manager | + posts

Kiko is the current Content Curator and PR Manager for STUDIO OGIEN. Since joining the team in 2021, she has helped bring the world of the OGIENOIDs to life. For a living, she is a content coordinator for a small agency, and she has written various websites in her time working for the company. Kiko was born and raised in southern Tennessee. For fun, she enjoys writing, reading, and playing The Sims.

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