Tag: progressreport

End of Month Progress Report – March

Welcome to March’s progress report! It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of March! Hello, everyone, Kiko here! This update will be a bit smaller than usual, but there are exciting things brewing at the STUDIO OGIEN Headquarters.

Logo Updates

We had one major update when it come to logos this month and that is for our lovely, KASAI OG01! Below you can see the before and after.


Our Full Recording Set-Up

We have an official list of equipment we use to record our voicebanks. If you’d like a full breakdown of all our tools, check out our companion blog!

Let’s Laugh Together

We’ve recently put out a new social media account. Please join us over on TikTok for the occasional short video, parody, and plenty of teasers! CAUTION: Please be aware that we are treating our TikTok account as a space with adult humor and language.

Introducing…DIONE OG05

Have you seen the latest OGIENOID drop from our team? DIONE OG05 now has a page all about her! While our team is hard at work decoding the message we found in the bottle near our building, we’ve released what we have been able to read. The strangest thing is that there was a link provided on the weathered paper.

What are your first impressions of DIONE OG05? We would love to know what you think and what you look forward to about her release! DIONE OG05 is slated for release in May 2022!

Okay, I Have Had It With This Glitter. Ceren, What Is Going On?

For the past several weeks, glitter has been covering the recording booth. I have no clue why, and I’m tired of going home covered in glitter. Oh – there’s a note on my desk…

‘Kiko, make sure you inform everyone in the memo that VIRTUS OG02 now has a portion of her live page up. As for the glitter situation, VIRTUS OG02 is finishing up her last recording session this week. The glitter will be gone afterward. If you see any butterflies or bows within the next month, I plead the fifth. Keep up the great work.


OH! VIRTUS OG02! That makes much more sense now. Ah haha.

Well, since I have the green light from Ceren herself, let’s introduce VIRTUS OG02!

VIRTUS OG02 Official Logo

I think that’s all I have for you all when it comes to things that have been happening around the studio. Are you all excited about the releases of VIRTUS OG02 and DIONE OG05? What are your thoughts? We’d love to hear each and every one of them!

Until next time this is Kiko signing off!

Wrapping Up Our Progress Reports, Each Month!

Please tune in next time for April’s progress report! In the meantime, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our blog releases. Not your thing? That’s alright! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for more news on our social media.

End of Month Progress Report – February

Keeping Things Consistent

Hi again everyone! It’s Kiko back again to let you know what’s been happening at STUDIO OGIEN over the course of February! While it may not seem like a lot of progress, we actually got a huge surprise recently and it involves a Voicebank we weren’t anticipating until much later this year! I can’t say much more or Ceren will let me have it… Anyways, onto the updates!

Promotional Art is Headed Your Way!

Hah? Yes, you read that right! We’ve undergone some major changes when it comes to the STUDIO OGIEN merchandise (I know!! So exciting!!) and OGEINOID press releases for Voicebanks that are currently in development. This means all art for future releases will be more cohesive and flow with all items related to the STUDIO OGIEN branding. We love when things work out like that!

On another note, as I mentioned above, there are some new product lines in the works and we can’t divulge too much yet…I can say to get excited!

Have You Seen Them Yet?

Seen what? There are now tutorials on how to use every single released OGIENOID Voicebank. You can check them out right now! This includes the various Append Voicebanks we have released such as KASAI SAILENT, AXIS TELLURIC, and ATLAS CELESTIAL. When we release a new Voicebank, there will be an OGIENOID tutorial posted on release day! So much to look forward to this year, I can hardly contain it!

New Year, New Logos

That’s right! On our social media accounts, we’ve recently unveiled some new and updated logos for the OGIENOIDs. You can see the comparisons on our Instagram and Twitter accounts. Don’t worry, I’ll place them below as well! Currently, updated logos are for HONOS OG04, APOLLO OG0X, ATLAS OG07, and AXIS OG06.

Original Concept by Ceren, Updated Concept by Artsy
Original Concept by Ceren, Updated Concept by Artsy

Polls and Voting

Did you know we post polls on our Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube? It isn’t very often, but we do like to get your input on the future releases from STUDIO OGIEN. One of our most recent polls was on the opinion of Subunits, much like we see in K-Pop. The subunits we put into consideration were:

Blue Flame – APOLLO, HONOS




Rose Garden saw a lot of interest across all platforms based on the response we got! What about you, Dear Readers? What subunits would you like to see?

I Saw Something Weird in the Recording Booth Yesterday…

It was so weird, there was so much glitter on the mic stand and I cannot put my finger on where it would’ve come from. Maybe I should ask Ceren what that was all about. Surely I’ll have an answer in next month’s blog, but this is all I have for you that happened in February. Until then, love one another and stay kind!

Much Love,

Kiko & The STUDIO OGIEN Team

End of Month Progress Report – January

Welcome to the end of the first month of the year 2022! STUDIO OGIEN’s year of progress is just getting started, so we don’t have a lot of news to share. However, we will give you an update on what we have been doing!

Recording Set-Up is Receiving an Upgrade

You read that right! Our in-studio recording setup is getting an upgrade to provide the best quality voicebanks we can create for you to use on your next projects. We don’t have it complete just yet, but someone we’ve missed dearly is getting primed for a brand new VB! You’ll have to wait and see who it is!

Tutorials are Coming In Hot!

Have you enjoyed the recent tutorials and overviews we’ve been putting out recently? If so, you’re in luck! We plan to make even more in the future to assist newcomers and veterans alike. Not to mention the few that are being written up at this very moment…What would you like to see tutorial-wise from STUDIO OGIEN?

World-Building and Story Crafting

Over the break, we’ve been forming an original series of novels that dive into more information about the OGIENOIDs. What is an OGIENOID, and who are the girls you know today? Keep watch for news regarding this series coming out later this year.

That’s All Folks!

I think that’s all the progress we have for you guys at this current moment in time. Keep an eye out on our socials for any updates, polls, and new song releases from STUDIO OGIEN. Happy 2022!


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Voicebank Progress

Apollo PRIME