Our team got to thinking, “What would all the OGIENOID girls look like if they were real or in our world?” Well, we decided to find out! Thanks to the incredible machine-learning website Artbreeder, we were able to create real versions of the girls. Ah, if only they were real.
With a mop of curly black hair, KASAI’s image is certainly met here! Her large, blue eyes are truly striking.
The OGIENOID fashion icon VIRTUS gives off such a warm and kind aura!
THEIA’s youthful yet strong face demonstrates such confidence!
A very androgynous individual, HONOS OG04 is a strikingly beautiful person in this realistic rendition!
DIONE’s kind and wise face truly brings out her character. Anyone could truly turn to her comfort.
A rendition featuring both of her eyes, funny enough! This rendition truly captures how striking AXIS’s mint-green shade of hair would be in real life.
ATLAS’s realistic rendition is so soft and pastel! In real life, she would certainly own a closet full of softcore fashion!
Lastly, here’s APOLLO! Between her smug look and menacing eyes, no one would mess with this icy girl!
What did you think? Do they match how you imagine them? Let us know your thoughts!