Re-Introducing THEIA OG03

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Re-Introducing THEIA OG03

Re-Introducing THEIA OG03

This week’s re-introduction post is all about our lilac lady, THEIA OG03! Though she was in development for far longer, THEIA initially joined our lineup in 2018. As a result, THEIA has undergone the most drastic of redesigns from concept to public release. For example, our girl was initially designed with brown hair and purple eyes!

Name Origins:

Theia – /ˈθiːə/

The name THEIA means “goddess” or “divine.” Theia is a Titaness in Greek mythology, also referred to as Euryphaessa, meaning “wide-shining.” In the sciences, Theia is the name of a mythological planet said to have collided with Earth, resulting in the creation of its moon.

The OGIENOIDs tend to follow a naming pattern, using Greek/Roman Gods, Goddesses, and Titans’ names. Chosen for its lovely, feminine sound and its relation to the character’s personality is why we chose it. As she is a sweet, happy girl that acts as a ray of sunshine in her friends’ lives, the name suited her to a “T.”

Purchase Agreement

Her original in-story appearance. Concept by Ceren.

THEIA OG03 was the first specialized android STUDIO OGIEN was able to purchase. Though the company was struggling, it took a gamble with its finances, hoping to bring in a larger audience. Her program and special features gave her a flexible, unique singing voice with a broad appeal. As for her body, her technologically advanced bones and flexible, human-like skin made her perfect for dancing. 

She was awakened and activated without a pre-set personality. However, she did have free will. In short, the studio wanted to see her grow and evolve like a human being, which was nearly unheard of for most artificial life at the time. 

Theia Joins the Family

As THEIA OG03’s original company was relatively close by, she could deliver herself to the studio by simply walking. On her way to STUDIO OGIEN, she bumped into two runaway female biodroids. As the three began to talk, the lilac-haired girl realized she was starting to experience emotions. Seeing the other two girls looking disheveled and desperate to hide from the public, she felt herself gaining an understanding of empathy. 

THEIA OG03 offered for the two to follow her in hopes they might receive help. The studio offered to take the two in alongside THEIA OG03, and the three would become fast friends. Those two biodroids would later be known as HONOS OG04 and VIRTUS OG02, and they would later join THEIA OG03 as OGIENOIDs. The three would receive the formation name “The Triad” and, soon, became so successful that they pulled the studio out of its financial troubles. 

THEIA OG03 would soon after become the first leader of the OGIENOIDs, upon their idol debut. Her responsibilities would grow as the number of OGIENOIDs increased. Soon, she found herself the leader of nearly 30 other members. THEIA OG03 worked hard to make sure she connected with each of her fellow teammates, considering them all her family.

Not Going Down Without A Fight

As her fellow OGIENOIDs disappeared and revenue from their performances dried up, THEIA OG03 felt it was her responsibility to continue traveling and performing to keep the studio afloat. If it collapsed, her remaining friends would be split up and sold, and her missing and deceased friends would fade from memory. Despite the risk to her safety, she pressed on, no matter the cost. 

However, her attitude changed one evening when one of her fellow performers began to act strangely on stage. Mid-routine, the performer began to convulse and move erratically. When THEIA OG03 noticed this happening, she rushed to her friend’s side, only to be pushed away. Confused, she looked back up at her colleague, only to see a sad yet terrified expression on her friend’s face as they malfunctioned and blew up. 

That was the last time THEIA OG03 ever performed.

The Present

In the story’s timeline, THEIA OG03 has been missing for several years. So no one is quite sure where she is or if she’s even alive.

On the other hand, her current representation to the public is outside of the story’s universe. But, as her audience knows her, she continues to lead her fellow OGIENOIDs.

Character Description:

(From her character page): THEIA OG03 is a natural-born leader with a passion for helping others achieve their goals and dreams. She is the typical happy-go-lucky girl, ever optimistic and encouraging of others. She has what seems like never-ending energy levels, constantly hyper and energetic.

THEIA OG03 can also be quite a flirt, unable to resist chatting up a cute girl. However, she refuses to get involved with colleagues to keep things from getting complicated.


Are you curious about the other OGIENOIDs? Then, please tune in next week for a re-introduction of our next girl! Meanwhile, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our blog releases. Likewise, you can follow us on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram for more news on our social media.

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