Re-Introducing HONOS OG04

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Re-Introducing HONOS OG04

This week’s post is all about HONOS OG04, the OGIENOID that entrances with a gentle, deep, and androgynous voice. She is the second member of “The Triad,” a subset of OGIENOID characters developed to be used together. VIRTUS OG02 and THEIA OG03 are her counterparts.

HONOS OG04’s original concept was male. However, the idea was scrapped due to the difficulty of sourcing male voices. Additionally, our team wanted to start representing WLW relationships among our OGIENOIDs, so the decision to make HONOS OG04 female was an easy one.

Name Origins

Honos – /ˈhɔnoːs̠/

Honos is the Roman god and personification of honor. Closely associated with Virtus (the Roman Goddess of bravery and virtue), the two were frequently honored together, such as in Rome’s Temple of Virtus and Honos.

We always planned Honos and Virtus to be a pair and couple. Therefore, we wanted to pick a pair of names that were deeply intertwined.

HONOS OG04 Original Concept Art
HONOS OG04’s Original Concept by Ceren. Base by rika-dono.

To Protect

HONOS OG04’s name was originally “Honos Unit, #258”. She was a member of law enforcement, specially created for the job. HONOS’s primary function was as a social worker and de-escalation specialist. Therefore, she worked on-call for a local police department, taking care of situations that required a more emotional approach. Above all, her specialty was dealing with those who were not mentally sound, keeping them out of harm’s way.

Occasionally, she partook in high-risk situations. Her physical build made her a strong fighter, and her high-speed reflexes made her quick to retaliate against danger.

One particular evening, she was involved in a dangerous call that left her severely wounded and malfunctioning. As a result, she was the only survivor, her unit of fellow androids decimated. Unable to fight back, she began to lose consciousness as a group of criminals began to bag up her friends.

Without A Trace

Honos found herself sold on the dark web, with numerous buyers bidding on her. As an android member of law enforcement, she had several unique features and kept many sensitive secrets.
Her highest bidder ended up being an underground robot fighting ring. They were highly interested in her physical strength, and their audience practically drooled over the idea of a female, human-like robot fighting to the death. However, she refused to let them have the satisfaction of watching her go down. As a result, Honos triumphed every battle she was partaking in.

After two or so years, Honos finally found a way to escape her captors. Upon realizing that she was finally free to live her life however she pleased, she decided to blend in with society and find out who she truly was.

Welcome Home

After living for herself after a year or so, Honos bumped into a stray android on the streets. The android, huddled against a dumpster in the pouring rain, was battered and dirty. She noticed that the android was a commercial-grade unit, highly expensive with sophisticated technologies. She extended her umbrella to the android, and the two began to talk.

Honos offered to help the android find their way home, but they refused. Finally, empathizing with the stranger’s wish for freedom and to live for itself, Honos offered to take them in. They agreed though HONOS OG04 did not have a place to call home herself.

Afterward, one evening looking for shelter, the two bumped into a sparkling new, lilac-haired android on her way to deliver itself to her new company. The android assisted them, and, together, they made their way to STUDIO OGIEN.

After deliberating what to do, Honos decided to stay with the company, and their friend off the street decided to as well. Honos decided to keep her name but altered it to fit better with her new family. Honos Unit, #258 was now HONOS OG04, and her Roman name inspired the pattern of Roman/Greek names among OGIENOIDs. The android off the street decided to pick something that paired well, choosing VIRTUS as her given name.

The Present

Her current representation to the public is outside of the story’s universe. But, always taking care of her fellow OGIENOIDs, HONOS OG04 is alive and well outside the story’s timeline.

Character Description:

(From her character page): HONOS OG04 is a relatively calm and collected woman. Her presence itself is very calming. However, she has a knack for stabilizing others’ emotions, and this trait earned her admiration from her fellow OGIENOID team members. She has always been a shoulder to cry on and a bit of a therapy bot. Her mental health is robust, but on occasion, she breaks down, she turns to VIRTUS OG02 for comfort.

Re-Introducing More OGIENOIDs

Are you curious about the other OGIENOIDs? Stay tuned for a re-introduction of our next girl! Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our blog releases. Similarly, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for more news on our social media.

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