End of Month Progress Report – January

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End of Month Progress Report – January

Welcome to the end of the first month of the year 2022! STUDIO OGIEN’s year of progress is just getting started, so we don’t have a lot of news to share. However, we will give you an update on what we have been doing!

Recording Set-Up is Receiving an Upgrade

You read that right! Our in-studio recording setup is getting an upgrade to provide the best quality voicebanks we can create for you to use on your next projects. We don’t have it complete just yet, but someone we’ve missed dearly is getting primed for a brand new VB! You’ll have to wait and see who it is!

Tutorials are Coming In Hot!

Have you enjoyed the recent tutorials and overviews we’ve been putting out recently? If so, you’re in luck! We plan to make even more in the future to assist newcomers and veterans alike. Not to mention the few that are being written up at this very moment…What would you like to see tutorial-wise from STUDIO OGIEN?

World-Building and Story Crafting

Over the break, we’ve been forming an original series of novels that dive into more information about the OGIENOIDs. What is an OGIENOID, and who are the girls you know today? Keep watch for news regarding this series coming out later this year.

That’s All Folks!

I think that’s all the progress we have for you guys at this current moment in time. Keep an eye out on our socials for any updates, polls, and new song releases from STUDIO OGIEN. Happy 2022!


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Content Curator, PR Manager |  + posts

Kiko is the current Content Curator and PR Manager for STUDIO OGIEN. Since joining the team in 2021, she has helped bring the world of the OGIENOIDs to life. For a living, she is a content coordinator for a small agency, and she has written various websites in her time working for the company. Kiko was born and raised in southern Tennessee. For fun, she enjoys writing, reading, and playing The Sims.

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