Keeping Things Consistent
Hi again everyone! It’s Kiko back again to let you know what’s been happening at STUDIO OGIEN over the course of February! While it may not seem like a lot of progress, we actually got a huge surprise recently and it involves a Voicebank we weren’t anticipating until much later this year! I can’t say much more or Ceren will let me have it… Anyways, onto the updates!
Promotional Art is Headed Your Way!
Hah? Yes, you read that right! We’ve undergone some major changes when it comes to the STUDIO OGIEN merchandise (I know!! So exciting!!) and OGEINOID press releases for Voicebanks that are currently in development. This means all art for future releases will be more cohesive and flow with all items related to the STUDIO OGIEN branding. We love when things work out like that!
On another note, as I mentioned above, there are some new product lines in the works and we can’t divulge too much yet…I can say to get excited!
Have You Seen Them Yet?
Seen what? There are now tutorials on how to use every single released OGIENOID Voicebank. You can check them out right now! This includes the various Append Voicebanks we have released such as KASAI SAILENT, AXIS TELLURIC, and ATLAS CELESTIAL. When we release a new Voicebank, there will be an OGIENOID tutorial posted on release day! So much to look forward to this year, I can hardly contain it!
New Year, New Logos
That’s right! On our social media accounts, we’ve recently unveiled some new and updated logos for the OGIENOIDs. You can see the comparisons on our Instagram and Twitter accounts. Don’t worry, I’ll place them below as well! Currently, updated logos are for HONOS OG04, APOLLO OG0X, ATLAS OG07, and AXIS OG06.

Polls and Voting
Did you know we post polls on our Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube? It isn’t very often, but we do like to get your input on the future releases from STUDIO OGIEN. One of our most recent polls was on the opinion of Subunits, much like we see in K-Pop. The subunits we put into consideration were:
Blue Flame – APOLLO, HONOS
Rose Garden saw a lot of interest across all platforms based on the response we got! What about you, Dear Readers? What subunits would you like to see?
I Saw Something Weird in the Recording Booth Yesterday…
It was so weird, there was so much glitter on the mic stand and I cannot put my finger on where it would’ve come from. Maybe I should ask Ceren what that was all about. Surely I’ll have an answer in next month’s blog, but this is all I have for you that happened in February. Until then, love one another and stay kind!
Much Love,
Kiko & The STUDIO OGIEN Team
Kiko is the current Content Curator and PR Manager for STUDIO OGIEN. Since joining the team in 2021, she has helped bring the world of the OGIENOIDs to life. For a living, she is a content coordinator for a small agency, and she has written various websites in her time working for the company. Kiko was born and raised in southern Tennessee. For fun, she enjoys writing, reading, and playing The Sims.