Kasai OG01 Official logo


Vocal synth digital diva utilizing cute and feminine vocals.

KASAI OG01 is STUDIO OGIEN’s first vocal synthesizer developed for UTAU, a free-to-use vocal synthesis application. Her initial development began in 2009, though her production would fall through until 2014 due to complications. KASAI OG01’s subsequent revival would inspire STUDIO OGIEN to create a dedicated character series with various voices, collectively called the “OGIENOIDs.”

The character KASAI OG01 features human voice samples recorded in a cute, feminine tone to reflect her original era of development. Her most recent voicebanks boast a more extensive vocal range than ever before, as well as the user’s ability to utilize different moods and expressions of her voice. KASAI OG01’s future developments will feature English capabilities.

Kasai OG01 Official Illustration



KASAI OG01 was the first in the OGIENOID series created by STUDIO OGIEN, initially developed to see if biodroids could fit the company's needs as performing idols. However, when the company realized it did not have the proper resources to modify her into a singing bot, she got turned into its backup database.

As her fellow OGIENOIDs disappeared one by one, KASAI OG01 became increasingly desperate to save her remaining friends. So, without consulting colleagues, she planned to preserve the OGIENOID line by creating AXIS OG06 and ATLAS OG07.


KASAI OG01 came into creation in 2009 as an idea, but she was unfortunately never finished. Instead, she received a reboot in early 2015 as a Multi-pitch CV-V voicebank with a brand new design.

Personal Info

Loud, extroverted, and friendly. KASAI OG01 enjoys pushing herself to her physical limits and is always willing to try new things. Though she is small, she is a short-tempered girl unafraid to get into a spat, confident she'll always come out on top. KASAI OG01 is a devoted friend who would give her life for her loved ones. She always expects the best effort out of her friends and is an "all or nothing" kind of person. Don't let her near hot sauce; she'll short herself out drinking the whole bottle!

Many refer to her as the "Heart of STUDIO OGIEN.”


Asian American

February 7th, Aquarius

Female, She/Her


Fit, reverse triangle
body type

Hard work, working out, romance novels, chocolate, wolves

Laziness, mustard, body hair

Name Origins


The name "KASAI", written as "火災" in Japanese, means a "conflagration" or a large, destructive fire.

Why This Name?

Since KASAI OG01 was created long before the other OGIENOIDs as a singular entity, she is the only character with a Japanese name. Thus, she goes against the theme of Greek/Roman name origins that the other girls share.


KASAI OG01 didn't get the label "Heart of Studio Ogien" for nothing. The girl makes friends quite quickly and is very familiar with every member of the team. If you had to ask her who her best friend was, she'd laugh and tell you "everyone.” Though she is close with all the OGIENOIDs and treats them equally, she spends most of her time with DIONE OG05.

  • DIONE OG05 - KASAI OG01's first friend and confidant. KASAI OG01 was never allowed to perform, and DIONE OG05 did not want to. As a result, the two spent much of their time together in the early years of the OGIENOIDs. Rather inseparable, some speculate there is more to their relationship than meets the eye.
  • THEIA OG03 - One of her best friends, the two get along very well due to their complementing personalities. However, for some unknown reason, the two abstain from getting too close.
  • AXIS OG06 - Created with KASAI OG01's memories. The two have never met.
  • ATLAS OG07 - Created with KASAI OG01's database. The two have never met.


  • KASAI OG01 is able to use both hands for detailed tasks, like writing. This makes her ambidextrous.
  • Her Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFP
  • Spicy food give her a kick! KASAI OG01's favorite food is chili peppers. Eating them shorts out her circuits, but she enjoys the sensation.
  • She is a terrible cook.
  • Her favorite season is summer.
  • KASAI OG01's favorite musical genre is death metal. But, on occasion, she will also listen to K-pop.
  • Her accent color is DIONE OG05's primary color; aqua.
Kasai IGNITE UTAU artwork

VCCV English


  • Vocal Range: Soprano (B3~F5)
  • Character Voice Type: Feminine, cutesy
  • Unique Quality: Over-pronounced
  • OTO: Infoholic

This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.


KASAI OG01's first English voicebank with a Northern American accent. IGNITEα is not quite a finished product, and it is to serve as a placeholder at this time for the full release down the road. The finalized IGNITE voicebank will feature multiple pitches recorded on entirely new equipment.

Kasai IGNITE UTAU artwork

Arpasing English


Voice Information

  • Vocal Range: Soprano (B3~F5)
  • Character Voice Type: Feminine, cutesy
  • Unique Quality: Over-pronounced
  • Moresampler OTO

This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.


Multipitch Arpasing English with a Moresampler OTO. Immerse yourself in the fiery tones of KASAI OG01. This voicebank, preserved in the STUDIO OGIEN vault and now for public release, brings a flare of intensity, making it the perfect choice for energetic songs. This voicebank is a tripitch recorded with version 2.0.0 of the original Arpasing reclist.

Kasai SALIENT UTAU artwork



  • Vocal Range: Soprano (B3~F5)
  • Character Voice Type: Feminine, cutesy
  • Unique Quality: Over-pronounced
  • OTO: AstralLace
  • Special: Vocal Fry, Growl, and Glottal Stops


The full version combines all voicebanks into one, allowing the user to plug in different characters into the UST from the SuffixBroker (UTAU) or select the appropriate Voice Color (OpenUTAU). Making all appends and extras available in one UST helps to make editing, tuning, and mixing faster and easier. In addition, multi-pitch is automatically configured with the included files and needs no manual input.

This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.

Kasai AMORE UTAU artwork



  • Vocal Range: Soprano (B3~F5)
  • Character Voice Type: Feminine, cutesy
  • Unique Quality: Over-pronounced
  • OTO: Ryan-kun12

This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.


The multi-pitch capabilities of Amore are automatically configured with the included files and needs no manual input. AMORE is a seven-pitch VCV voicebank with a normal timbre.

Kasai OG01 Utau Artwork



  • Vocal Range: Soprano (B3~F5)
  • Character Voice Type: Feminine, cutesy
  • Unique Quality: Overpronounced
  • OTO: AstralLace

This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.


Original V2 is a lite version of SALIENT. The full version combines all voicebanks into one, allowing the user to plug in different characters into the UST from the SuffixBroker (UTAU) or select the appropriate Voice Color (OpenUTAU).


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