APOLLO OG0X is a virtual singer produced by STUDIO OGIEN for UTAU, a free vocal synthesis software. She was released in 2015 as a standalone OGIENOID. Apollo is well-liked for her unique character design and accent.
The character APOLLO OG0X provides a tomboyish voice with an edge of spite and a unique intonation. Her voicebanks possess several different expressions, making her an ideal fit for many genres of music, most notably rock and EDM. APOLLO OG0X’s future voicebanks will improve upon her Japanese voice and offer a fluent English product.
APOLLO OG0X's memories are hazy, and most times, she can't recall much. However, her fellow OGIENOIDs are aware of her past. The girl originated from somewhere in a far-off future where she grew up alone. All forms of artificially intelligent, humanoid life were illegal in this future, leaving the OGIENOIDs wiped out. No one is sure where she came from or who activated her.
Moody, solitary. Easily described as a "brat.” APOLLO OG0X prefers not to be bothered, going so far as to shut herself in her room every day unless dragged out. Moody and often irritable, she's quick to snap back and start an argument. Though she tries hard to hide it, she does have a soft side. She just prefers not to show it. Talk about growing pains! Her fellow OGIENOIDs are concerned she is addicted to video games.
Multi-Racial American
July 3rd, Cancer
Female, She/Her
Curvy, triangle
body type
Blizzards, breaking software to bother others, spicy food
Just about anything else
Apollo comes from Greek origins, associated with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi), meaning "to destroy".
In mythology, Apollo is one of the Olympian deities that appears in classical Greek and Roman religion. However, he is perhaps most well known as the god of the sun and light.
APOLLO OG0X tends to keep to herself, but of all the OGIENOIDs, she is most familiar with ATLAS OG07 and AXIS OG06 since they "totally just won't leave me alone!". APOLLO OG0X looks up to HONOS OG04 due to her relaxed, calm attitude.
Voice Sample
Voice Information
Recommended Resamplers:
The full version combines three voicebanks into one, allowing the user to plug in "↑" or "↓" into the UST from the SuffixBroker or selecting the appropriate Voice Color (OpenUTAU) for appends. This makes all voices available to use in one UST, which helps to make editing, tuning, and mixing faster and easier.
This voicebank is compatible with both UTAU and OpenUtau.
PLEASE NOTE: these voicebanks are considered as "complete" and will no longer receive major updates.